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A 360º view of your APIs – including Dependencies

With our patented ability to provide accurate, external API benchmarking and reporting, APImetrics gives trend analysis, history and meaningful SLA measurement and dependency tracking for the services you depend on.

Quality matters

With CASC scoring, APImetrics has a unique, patented way to quickly analyze all the metrics and critical performance KPIs of your APIs and provide a simple quality score out of 10.

If you’re scoring above 8, things are probably good, below 8, start digging in. It’s that simple.

Data Focused API Benchmarking

It’s not enough to know if your API Gateway tells you that things are ok if customers are complaining. With a holistic, end-to-end approach, APImetrics takes the pain out of performance measurement and disputes with clear and easy to understand dashboards and reporting.

Edge Cases Matter

Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that averages tell the whole story.

An average can hide a lot of performance variation and setting the wrong thresholds can leave you effectively offline without realizing it. APImetrics provides full statistical analysis that goes beyond the average values.


Your APIs and the APIs you rely on depend on a variety of services – cloud servers, CDN providers, gateways and more. 

With APImetrics and you can see what the dependencies are at a glance.

Integrated security

Monitor TPP and AISP scenarios securely. Multi-factor authentication support. Mutual TLS for the security needs of banks and financial services providers. Integrated KSM key storage for strict security storage standards like FIPS.


Not all locations are alike.

TPPs and AISPs function on more than one cloud and in more than one data center.

Monitor from where your integration partners are. See what they see in real time.

Working with Global Standards Bodies

APimetrics gives you all the info you need Who Uses APImetrics
Any API Request

Handle GET, PUT, POST, DELETE and more – any type of HTTP request – in our similar call manager.

Define Conditions

Set conditions. Override expected HTTP return codes for 200 failures. Set variables on a test or global basis.

Authentication Manager

Fully integrated security manager for API Keys & OAuth including JWT and JWS. Test scopes and token validity.

Expert Analysis

Gain insight into DNS issues and connection problems. Get breakdowns of latency and server times.

Ready To Start Monitoring?

Want to learn more? Check out our technical documentation, our API directory, or start using the product immediately. Sign up instantly, and monitor your first API call in minutes.