BREAKING NEWS: BREAKING: APIContext Formed To Create Industry Solutions For API Oversight And IntegrityRead Now >

Measure secure, production APIs

Using a synthetic, cross-cloud, global call engine, APIContext can make REST or SOAP API calls from any data center in the world.

But there is so much more: built-in reporting, AI driven analysis, and bank grade security, not to mention instant SLA reporting and comparisons between providers.

APimetrics gives you all the info you need Who Uses APImetrics

Meaningful benchmarks & SLAs

Look beyond pass-rates and see API availability from where your users are. APIContext can also show you where your stack up against competitors and other technologies.

Whether it’s code-free, developer-free API rankings from or a full API monitoring stack for complex Open Banking scenarios, APImetrics has you covered.

Set and track real Service Level Objectives and measure SLA performance that all parties can agree on.

API Intelligence

How APIContext Works


APIContext Features & Advantages

HTTP API Call Manager

Individual calls or sequences
Integrated API security manager

Transport Layer Security

Secure MTLS Handling

Integrated Reporting

Median and percentile analysis
SLO analysis
API call breakdown analysis including networking and server call components
Outage detection with dependency tracking (i.e. CDN or cloud issue identification)

API Security Manager

API Key based security
OAuth including Token refresh handling
JWT management system
OAuth call back handler for APIs requiring sign in

API Call verification

Call parsing of Header + Body
Total control over assertions and pass/fail conditions

Role-based access controls

Editors – can manage monitoring scenarios
Viewer+ - see fault resolution data for triage but can’t edit calls
Viewers – only see data


Integrated Alerting Systems via secure webhooks and APIs

Webhooks can be used to link APIContext to management and other systems so that data and alerts can easily be pushed to the external systems from APIContext.

Let's Work Together

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Learn how we bring best practices and open standards to API monitoring with integrated API workflows, performance assurance and conformance analysis.