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Dept of Energy DOE API

Latest Dept of Energy API News

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) oversees the promotion of scientific and technological innovation, as well as advancing the nation’s energy security. The safety of the country’s nuclear weapons falls under its responsibility as well. During President Jimmy Carter’s tenure, it was established on August 4th, in 1977. The creation of this department aimed to confront the country’s increasing demand for power while also promoting sustainable and efficient means of producing it.

The evolution of the Dept of Energy over time reflects changes in US energy requirements. The department’s current duties consist of handling various energy-related issues which includes nuclear security, environmental stewardship and scientific research.

The Dept of Energy has been newsworthy on multiple occasions over time. As an illustration, the department revealed new energy efficiency standards for commercial air conditioners and other cooling equipment in 2015. To facilitate the development of advanced nuclear technologies, the department revealed plans in 2019 to erect a new nuclear reactor.

The Department of Energy supports its scientific and technological work in infrastructure by operating various research facilities and national laboratories. In order to support their different programs and initiatives, the department maintains a variety of IT systems and networks.

Similar to numerous governmental organizations, the Dept of Energy has undergone several considerable incidents of downtime throughout the years. A prolonged network outage caused disruptions to research activities and other operations at the department’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory in 2013.

To safeguard its IT systems and data, the Dept of Energy has established multiple protocols and technologies that are taken very seriously regarding their implementation. The department has also undergone security breaches over the years, similar to several other organizations. A group claiming affiliation with the Anonymous hacking collective hacked the department’s website in 2013, for instance.

The Dept of Energy provides access to numerous energy-related datasets via several APIs. The key APIs comprise of:

  • The U.S. energy production, consumption and pricing data and international energy information is accessible through the EIA API.
  • By utilizing the NREL API users can gain valuable insights into renewable technology deployment including wind-, solar-, and geothermal-based options.
  • LBNL API offers data access on building energy efficiency and other energy-related topics.

These APIs’ efficiency is influenced by various factors, including the amount of data requested. Yet, the Dept of Energy has made investments in both infrastructure and technology to guarantee that their APIs are dependable and prompt.

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