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Key SimpleSwap API Resources

DNS Nameserver Host: Cloudflare, Inc.

Developer Site

Postman Collection: TBD


Open API Specification: TDB

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Latest SimpleSwap API News

The SimpleSwap platform lets you exchange over 300 cryptocurrencies quickly, safely, and effortlessly. The user-friendly interface and swift transaction processing time make the platform widely popular among crypto enthusiasts. The company provides its services to clients in over 160 nations. It’s considered a top player in the cryptocurrency exchange industry.

Technical Aspects

To offer a fluid trading experience to customers, the platform is constructed using different APIs. CoinMarketCap, CryptoCompare, and several blockchain explorers are among the various sources that the company gets its APIs from. Real-time cryptocurrency prices and transaction confirmations are provided through this process. The company’s services can be integrated into developer applications via the API.

A trading engine that supports instant cryptocurrency exchanges powers the platform. The engine for trading can process more than 10,000 trades every day. It is among the speediest cryptocurrency exchanges in the market. The company’s employment of sophisticated security measures ensures the safety of its customers’ funds. The use of two-factor authentication (2FA), HTTPS encryption, and multi-signature wallets ensures the protection of its platform and customer funds.

Industry Position

The cryptocurrency exchange industry has recognized SimpleSwap as an influential player. A loyal following among cryptocurrency enthusiasts has been garnered by the company’s user-friendly platform and fast transaction processing times. In a crowded marketplace, the company has managed to stand out by giving priority to customer experience. Numerous cryptocurrency exchanges face difficulty in setting themselves apart from their rivals.

They have gained a competitive advantage in the market through their commitment to innovation. The company updates its platform regularly ensuring customers receive new features and services. For instance, the company has recently introduced a referral program where clients can earn commission for referring new users. This platform’s growth can benefit customers through the use of this program. The company’s inclusion of several new cryptocurrencies has broadened the spectrum of coins that cSimpleSwap ustomers can exchange.

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