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DNS Nameserver Host: Cloudflare, Inc.

Developer Sitehttps://docs.huobigroup.com/docs/option/v1/en/#introduction

Postman Collection: TBD

API Docs: https://docs.huobigroup.com/docs/option/v1/en/#introduction

Open API Specification: TDB

Huobi Global API

Latest Huobi Global API News

Users can enjoy a vast selection of digital assets to trade on HitBTC’s cryptocurrency exchange platform. A skilled team of developers and finance professionals founded the exchange in 2013. Traders around the world have since gained popularity of it.

HitBTC’s trading platform can be connected with by developers through several available APIs. The REST API, WebSocket API, and FIX API are included in these APIs. The most widely utilized API is REST, which enables accessing various data types for developers. Market data, trading history, as well as account information are incorporated in here. Real-time data transmission is seamless with the WebSocket API. Market data and order updates can be obtained quickly and efficiently by developers through this provision. Direct access to HitBTC’s trading engine is provided by FIX API with institutional traders in mind.

The APIs of HitBTC are easily usable and well explained. Building applications that integrate with the exchange is simple for developers. Before deploying them, developers can test their applications in the sandbox environment provided by the company.

HitBTC prioritizes security measures. To safeguard its users’ assets and data, different measures have been implemented. The company applies advanced security protocols like SSL encryption, two-factor authentication, and cold storage. These utilize the majority of its users’ assets. The platform is kept safe from possible threats by HitBTC’s security team who regularly monitor it and introduce new security measures when necessary.

HitBTC implements security protocols for their use of APIs. The developers are required to authenticate by utilizing API keys which are safely produced and should be kept private. Offering rate limiting is how HitBTC prevents malicious actors from overwhelming the exchange’s systems with excessive requests. In addition, the exchange frequently does third-party security audits to safeguard the reliability of its systems.

Proactively approaching regulatory compliance, HitBTC has taken measures. The financial crimes enforcement network (FinCEN) has the company registered as a business that offers money services. Every pertinent regulation is being complied with. The validity of traders accessing the platform is confirmed through HitBTC’s KYC and AML procedures.

A globally dominant platform for trading digital assets is Huobi Global. Its extensive selection of trading services is available to users globally. In 2013, Leon Li launched the platform.

APIs that allow them to integrate with its trading platform are available for developers from Huobi Global. The REST API, WebSocket API, and FIX API are among the APIs included. The REST API gives developers entry to various types of market data. Included is ticker data, trade history, and order book data. Designed for real-time data, is the WebSocket API. Market data and order updates can be obtained rapidly and effectively by developers through its use. FIX API aims at institutional traders and offers them direct access to Huobi Global’s trading engine.

Huobi Global has documented their APIs efficiently, making them accessible to use. Constructing applications that integrate with the exchange is made simple for developers. The company offers a sandbox environment for developers to trial their applications before releasing to production.

Huobi Global prioritizes security greatly. Its users’ assets and data are protected by a variety of implemented measures. The company employs sophisticated security protocols like SSL encryption, two-factor authentication, and cold storage. These are commonly utilized for most of its users’ assets. Huobi Global’s security team constantly evaluates the platform for probable dangers and updates security measures accordingly.

API utilization at Huobi Global is protected by their security protocols too. As per the exchange’s requirements, developers must keep their authentication API keys confidential after obtaining them through a secured generation process. Huobi Global has implemented a measure of rate limiting to stop malicious actors from overwhelming the exchange’s systems with excessive requests. Besides, the exchange consistently conducts third-party security audits to guarantee the validity of its systems.

Huobi Global has shown a proactive attitude towards regulatory compliance. The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) has done the registration of the company as a money services business. It observes all relevant statutes. Huobi Global ensures that exclusively authentic traders gain entry to their platform by using KYC and AML procedures.

Additionally, Huobi Global provides several sophisticated trading functionalities like leveraged trading, futures trading, and options trading. The exchange’s API offers these features. Huobi Global’s platform allows developers to create advanced trading applications.

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